Alola friends. While I just barely missed the 1/3 invite in September, I now got the 1/2 invite in October from a weekend at local events that turned out really nice for me. Actually, I'm gonna write a bit of a half-invite report soonish which will have various tournament stories, so stay tuned for that...if you're interested, anyway. Today, I'm just gonna focus on this "new" team that I made. I didn't play a single test match with it, I just brought it to the two tournaments, knowing already it would work for me as long as I'm not running into those classic unpreparable matchups, you know. Out of 65 possible total CP, I took home 55 -- lost to 3 people across the weekend, where I got revenge over one of them in top cut, entirely dodged the other in top cut, and rightfully lost again to the last one because he simply was the better Trainer that day.
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
The 2017/18 Season and I
Ayelola friends, Captain Dreykopff the Eastern Kingbird writing. It's been a while...and I'm overusing this phrase a lot. This time for real though. Yet another rambly post ahead, but will also feature a paragraph or two of Pokémon talk near the end. Short version of it all: I'm back and you may have to deal with it if ol' uncle Tom so chooses.
Friday, 5 May 2017
Hot Memes -- International Challenge April 51st Place
Alola friends. Results got released earlier than expected, so I guess I can also release the team earlier than planned. Record is 35 wins and 10 losses, 1804 rating, final and peak. Please don't copy it for a serious tournament, it's just not good. It's a fun meme though. Possibly improvable too, but I don't see myself doing it. Anyway, here goes nothing.
Thursday, 27 April 2017
We Are Your Leaders -- Updated Version
Alola friends. This will be the promised appendix to last week's report: the changes I made to the team. Here's the pretty Battle Box picture, but I also slightly changed some EVs. For that, go read more.
Friday, 21 April 2017
We Are Your Leaders -- IDM 2017 Champion's Team
Alola friends. One month ago, I did the unthinkable: I've finally won this prestigious online tournament that we literally call "inofficial Nats of Germany", hosted on Bisafans and sponsored by Nintendo and other partners. I've written a more detailed report in German, click here for it. It's slightly more "noob-friendly" and also contains the tournament run, whereas in here, I'll just focus on the team.
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
I Am the Guardian of Alola -- February International Challenge 10th Place Team
Alola friends. Wrote most of this some weeks ago already and just figured I have no good reasons left to hide it any longer, so: Here it is, the team that brought me to the first page of the global rankings for the 2017 International Challenge February!
And you're in for something that you aren't seeing every day, I can tell you that much in advance.
Sunday, 12 March 2017
Facing My Weakness
Alola friends. Very different post today. Much rambling, little to no game-related content. Just been thinking a lot about the game and my place in it recently. Spoilers: no, not quitting it entirely (sorry not sorry haters!), that wouldn't be right. Just some things I noticed and might want to change.
Monday, 27 February 2017
Last Rites of Freezing Beauty
Alola friends. I did end up doing some more work on the team I released a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, I came to conclusions that are strongly suggesting me to...let it go, and move on. But, more on those thoughts at the end of the post. A quick word about the results obtained with it: I won a week in NPA with it and scrubbed out at a Premier Challenge because I evaluated situations wrongly and, in turn, made awful plays. For full details about how the team came to be as well as details on unchanged sets, I recommend also reading the previous post. Let's go.
Sunday, 12 February 2017
Captain Dreykopff's Treasures, Piece 2: Go Fast
Alola friends. Sorry for the delay, but hey, still less than a month! This will be the second out of 3 games featuring StarKO's team, and as promised last time, we shall have a look at the same Premier Challenge's final today. The last one, coming up in 1.5 weeks as currently planned, will be a Battle Spot game. Anyway, let's go.
Sunday, 5 February 2017
Freezing Beauty -- A Ninetales/AFK Team
Alola friends. I've been patiently waiting for this moment ever since Alolan forms were revealed, and it was worth it. My first team with Ninetales turned out better than I had expected and here I am sharing it now. (Actually, it wasn't just my first Ninetales team but my first self-made team in this format, not counting things I threw together for Battle Spot without much thought before.) However, if you for whatever reason want to copy it, I recommend not actually copying it straight away but changing a thing or two. I promise you the team is good, but I know it can be better.
For those judging stuff by results: I brought the team to my first MSS yesterday, finished Swiss as first seed but got knocked out in top 8 in a nightmarish matchup that still went to the third game, which then possibly was decided against me due to a lost Kartana Speed tie. So yeah, I've played many worse teams in my life. If you have a fighting chance, you know there's hope. Well then, on to the good stuff!
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
Captain Dreykopff's Treasures, Piece 1: These 'Mons Are Poisoned
Alola friends. At the end of last year, I announced on Twitter that I'd go back to doing some nice little YouTube stuff, and now here it is. Actually, it's not just YouTube stuff but rather YouTube and blog stuff combined -- first thing you'll see every time is the link to the video (or, the embedded video) and below you'll find my turn-by-turn analysis of the game shown. I'll explain a bit more about this series and its purpose at the end of this post, but first let's just have a look at the first piece of my treasures!