Hello Interest of Nets. Before leaving, I was actually gonna write another entry to basically revoke most of the things explained in the previous one -- didn't work with my priorities, so whatever. You shouldn't have missed that giant wave of relief anyway (and if you actually did...dang, should have been at least a small bit more patient!). With the updated numbers on the same page as before, we are looking at what could possibly be not the worst but the best season we ever had.
And this new season now has officially started for all the Germans who didn't undergo Operation Boston Open Head-Start™ earlier. Also, I played my very first Regional ever on this past Saturday. I will tell you the story of that one now. The photo above is the team I entered it with, and it is exactly the same as the one I posted on here a while ago. I only changed the nicknames. And maybe Amoonguss's Ability to Effect Spore. Or maybe not. It's a secret (I have forgotten).